This is a quick tutorial on installing Pop!_OS to run on a VirtualBox. Virtualization is so useful if you want to play around with Pop!_OS ( Or any other Distro) and see what it can do without having to alter the Host System.
Installing virtual box on your Local System
Installing Virtual Machine VirtualBox on your Machine is pretty easy.
-Go to and click on your device OS type (OS X for Mac Users). Download the respective package file and Install it
-Once you finished the installation, Start the Virtual Box application. The Homepage of VirtualBox looks like this.
Creating Pop!_OS Virtual Machine under VirtualBox
-We need to download the ISO file of the Pop OS that is available on the official website of this Linux distro. Here is the link to that Download Pop!_OS Visit the page and click on the Download button.
-After installing VirtualBox we can move towards installing Pop!_OS in VM VirtualBox.
-On the Initial screen of VirtualBox after freshly installing on your OS. Click on the "New" button on the top left corner.
-Once you click on the new, button you should have the screen where you can name the VM and what kind of operating system. I here use Pop_VM but you can use whatever you like. -Set your type to "Linux" and the version to "Ubuntu (64 bit)". Your screen should look like the screenshot above. Click "Continue" button to move to the next screen.
-Set the memory as per the requirement. The default value of 1024 MB but it is advisable to use 2048MB.
-You can of course set it to as high as you like. Click "Next" button to the next screen.
-Create Hard disk.
-Select Hard disk file type VDI and then Dynamically allocated
-Set Virtual Hard disk storage size, you can use more as per your requirement.
-After creating a Virtual machine, you will see PopVM on the left side of VirtualBox. Select it and then click on the Settings.
-Click on the Storage Setting and then on the Empty CD (In Controller IDE) icon. After that on the extreme right under Attributes, you will see a CD icon, click that and select “Choose/Create a Virtual Optical Drive“.
-Select the Add button and the system File explorer will get opened. Select the downloaded POP ISO file and choose to add it to Controller: IDE.
-The empty CD icon now will show the pop-os iso file. To save the changes click on the OK button.
-Now, click on the Start button to Power ON the created Pop OS virtual machine.